Gundam Exia BLACK FALCON ( BACUC challenge 2008 entry)

Ha , here's my entry for the Malaysia BAKUC end year challenge 2008.
Was my 1st attempt to join the competition.
The base kit was BANDAI 1/100 NG gundam exia.
I modified the skirt armor, torso, machine gun, and shoulder armor. The rest just added detail and the "wing" was kit-bash from another gundam. (it was the cannon from 1/144 blast impulse gundam)

For long time i always wanted to do a gundam with bling bling silver color scheme. So the competition was a good chance to pull it off.
Although i didnt win anything but i guess it is still a good start haaha

here's my baby:

some closeup


Better luck for the challenge next time haha.
Now preparing for the next year's challenge, still choosing which gundam to do.


Anonymous said...

I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to getting more information about this topic, don't worry about negative opinions.